More LToons complete LT Folder#12


This newest batch of 15 LToons completes the 100 count in LT Folder #12 (100 panels each). We're always interested in reactions, compliments, even critques, so please extress your reactions, if any, via our Forum.

Numbers Blunder Cleanup


A numbering mistake involving all panels in LToons #12 folder has been corrected. (#s 2000-2085 should have been 1100-1185. Unfortunately, this will cause all past associated News linkages to fail, but going back and fixing all those is probably unnecessary since no one seemed to notice the numbering errors in the first place.

VAIN GIRLS: Only 20 away from the 2700's!


Here's 2661-2680. Enjoy and COMMENT over at The Forum if you like.


More LToons


The latest new LToons (2076-2085) are posted today to honor all active military and veterans on Memorial Day (USA holiday) for their unwavering dedication and sacrifices in service to their country and the world. If you're inclined to, please add your comment(s) via the Forum.

VAINGIRLS, Forging Ahead!


Here are issues 2621-2640! Enjoy, and COMMENT over at The Forum, if youi like.

Hugs, Jezzi

New MM's


A new 10-batch of Mish Mashes has been added to the Gallery. Hope you enjoy. Here's the Forum linkage for comments.

I'm Not Dead.


A couple of new issues of Altered Fates and Indiana Jones, and a revised version of a Confessions of the Crossdresser #65.

VAINGIRLS: Onward through the 26 hundreds!


Here's 2601-2620. You'll notice I discovered Don Flowers cartoons. You can find a link to them over in The Forum under my name. Leave a comment there too, if you like. ENJOY!

Hugs Jezzi

VG 2600 !!!!


2581-2600 are now available ... or click 2501 to review all 101 in the 2500's. Next post will be a new album.  Enjoy and COMMENT over at The Form.

Hugs, Jezzi

VAINGIRLS Marches Onward!


Here's 2561-2580!  Enjoy and COMMENT over at The Forum.

Hugs, Jezzi