#3 | Posted: 2 Oct 2009 00:56
Adrian: Is this where I drop off the U-Haul keys?
SRU Wizard: No, that's a half-mile north, if you get back to the I-5 feeder. So Adrian, do you miss Kansas already?
Adrian: How do you know I'm from Kansas?
Wizard (to himself): Wow, two questions from this guy, and neither one is "How do you know my name?" This is a record.
Wizard (to Adrian): I know you're from Kansas because I'm a wizard. But I don't need to be a wizard to see that something's bothering you.
Adrian: Yeah, you could say that. I never saw the ocean till yesterday, right? But here in Big Bear Beach, if you aren't a surfing expert, you aren't cool.
Wizard: It just so happens, I have here a Potion of Surfing Knowledge. Drink this and an hour from now, you can shoot the curl as well as anyone. However, I should warn you--
Adrian: Warn me of what?
Wizard: This potion comes with ... side effects. |