#9 | Posted: 3 Nov 2011 09:00
Let my apologize for not posting earlier, First I was out of town & then I caught some virus & the plane ride made it worse. I just started feeling like a homan being - though some I know might say that's always been a stretch! Anyway thanks as usual for the postings = specially the 1387 which you did for me.
As a thank you for all your hard work I will make a shot of writing a short story on 1406 , til death do you part. One favor though I am dying to know if the elegant and beautiful new 'Susan' married Mark in my favorite of yours "Old Before my Time"?
My comments on my favorites
ON THE OUTS, LOL! terrible pun! 1387, WOW! long & Happy Life powerful & ironic! I love not only BS body the trickstered tricked stories! Too Late, LOL! Ouch 1389, LOL! 1393,, LOL Mule yet! 1394, LOL Great twist! 1396, nice irony 1397, LOL beware the demon weed! 1404, LOL! gift horse, her needed to look! 1495, weirdly funny 1406, WOW! What a story, till death do you part 1408, OUCh funny 1409, LOL! Vry good story. I agree being in between is worse. 1410, OUC h funny & original , |