Loved LT619, Vaingirls Packages, sis. See VG1111. aingirls%201101-1200/Vaingirls+1111.jpg.phpTell the young lady who could only afford the economy package that there is an "enhancer" package waiting for her at the salon, free of charge, courtesy of moi :-) Perhaps those two could host a Vaingirls party.
RE: LT620 - Maybe we should write a Lorna/Jezzi story? I sugest the title "Party on, Dudettes!" I love everything about the blonde, especially her hair and that little froth peeking out that says, "I'm wearing a petticoat." She is soooo me - well, me 40 years ago and in my imagination. :-)
RE: LT617, "Superbowl Bet": I turned your LT541, "Bad News" into a superbowl VG comics cover - VG1160. It'll be posted with the next batch.