XX -> XYExcellent suggestion! Thanks! I had assumed it would be clear the bomb would change her into a man -- hence the panic on the lovely girl's face, since, as you point out it, would be a step down. "XX -> XY" would help clarify that, though. Thanks for noting the potential confusion, and for giving me a way to help fix it.
"Bride and Bridesmaid": I think that's a dagger, but I'm really not sure. So it's a relief to see someone else also interpret it that way. The original "Brenda Starr" cover doesn't make any sense to me; in it, the redhead in the foreground is saying "I thought champagne was for weddings ... not poison." I have no idea what she's supposed to mean by that. You're supposed to have champagne, not poison, at weddings? Champagne should be poured at weddings, but you're not supposed to mix it with poison? I guess both are true, but talk about a clunky way of expressing yourself. Also, where in the picture is this poison of which she speaks?
Three more covers:
"Guys in Dolls": Impossibly baroque plot? Check. Crazy-ass faux-Irish mobster dialect? Check. Incredibly dishy, red-headed TG female?
Check and mate!"Vinnie Vitti Vici": I love Charles Biro's artwork. There's always something deeply wrong in his pictures. In this one, for instance, he has "Vinnie" slapping the girl so hard her makeup flies off. Then Biro quietly gives the guy a glass to hold, so you can figure out the image's logic
after you've gotten good and aroused by its sadism.
I thought about making the girl's name "Vicky" so that the title could be "Vinnie Vitti Vicky," but I worried that was too many V-names that themselves look too much alike. "Val" is bad enough, but at least it's nice and short.
"The Face That Launched 1000 Capers": "Gance" was originally "Simpson," but that seemed a joke too far.
Guys in Dolls
| Vinnie Vitti Vici
| The Face That Launched 1000 Capers
| |