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More comic book re-titles


#1 | Posted: 30 Aug 2007 19:22 | Edited by: SoCalSecrets

Here's another re-titled comic book, where I change the title but try to keep as much of the original dialogue and other text intact.

This one was a very simple change, removing the 'C' to change Candy to Andy (plus some cleanup of the cover). The original is Candy (Quality Comics, 1947) #16.

The Grand Comics Database doesn't list the cover artist, but the signature on the cover is Sahle, for Harry Sahle, who drew many of the early Candy covers (as well as the Black Widow for Timely Comics and Airman for Centaur Publications).
Don't be silly, Ted. I'm only going to model the gown!
Don't be silly, Ted. I'm only going to model the gown!

#2 | Posted: 16 Dec 2007 23:11

Here's a little subterfuge during a New Orleans Mardi Gras masquerade party. The original, Diary Confessions (Key Publications, 1955) #14, has been morphed into Drag Confessions.
He felt like Cinderella...
He felt like Cinderella...
Jezzi Stewart


#3 | Posted: 17 Dec 2007 08:58

I like the simplicity of Drag Confessions. One is left wondering who in the picture is in drag ... or are both!

#4 | Posted: 18 Dec 2007 16:46

Thank you Jezzi.

This comic book cover had been sitting in my to-do folder for quite awhile because I was originally planning on adding a text box along the bottom to make the TG connection more explicit--something like "He felt like Cinderella at his first masquerade party!". After looking at the cover for the umpteenth time, I finally decided that it was best to follow the example of the original cover and let the reader fill in the story.

I'm not sure I like the font and kerning that I used for the "Drag" in the title, but that can easily be changed.

#5 | Posted: 1 Apr 2008 23:42 | Edited by: SoCalSecrets

It looks like it's been exactly three months since I posted my last comic book cover modification (from New Year's Day to April Fool's Day!). I did some cleanup of some of my files this week and rediscovered a few mods that I had only partially completed. If I had known how much work I would put into this re-title (and still end up with something that I'm not really satisfied with), I probably wouldn't have started. The next time that I do a freehand title like this one, I'm going to try to do it all as vectors. ;-)

The original comic is Teen Confessions (Charlton, 1959) #82 ( September 1973) from the Grand Comic Book Database. The GCD doesn't list the cover artist, but it's different enough in style and subject matter that I'm pretty sure that the artist wasn't part of the regular stable of Teen Confessions cover artists.
...but why should I wait?
...but why should I wait?
Jezzi Stewart


#6 | Posted: 2 Apr 2008 09:31

Freehand, wow. Great job. I envy you; I can't draw for diddly squat.
Imelda Marcuse


#7 | Posted: 2 Apr 2008 20:00

the title work is great, So Cal...true to the original and completely convincing...

#8 | Posted: 2 Apr 2008 20:00 | Edited by: SoCalSecrets

Freehand, wow. Great job.

If you look at the original, I really didn't do that much. The Trannie part of the title is the only part that is completely brand new. The Teen part I only moved over a little, and then I modified the bottom and made it taller. The Trannie section, however, went through several iterations of me trying to get it to look right.

Teen Confessions #82
The original Teen Confessions

I've also made a small modification to the thought balloon to create a newer version of my cover mod. I wasn't really comfortable with specifying sixteen as the age in the balloon. Yes, more young transsexuals are at least dressing full-time in feminine attire, and a few are even taking anti-testosterone treatments before the age of majority. Very few, however, are getting estrogen treatments (either by prescription or stealth) before that age.
version #2
version #2

#9 | Posted: 3 Apr 2008 04:12

Hey, SoCal

Good idea to get rid of the specific age. It jumped out at me in the original, which just distracts the reader from the cover itself.

Have to admit, in this thread I liked "Andy" best. There's just something about 50's ladies that appeals.


#10 | Posted: 9 May 2008 05:40 | Edited by: SoCalSecrets

Hey, Amanda.

I think that I missed your comment when you first posted it.

Thank you for your comment confirming my feelings about the original Teen Trannie Confessions text.

I too am partial to the "Andy" cover, but the emancipated teenage transsexual in Teen Trannie runs a close second. ;-)
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