686 - Fight like a girl!
Original: Wedding Bells comics
If one is forced to be a woman, wouldn't the best revenge be to become a better, more successful one than the one who forced you?
687 - Care giver
Original: True Brides' Experiences comics
When I first saw the original for this one, the phrase "Nursing a Grudge" just leaped out at me as the perfect title, and I built the cover around it. The hero(ine) of this one is actually doing the same thing as the hero(ine) in #686. The difference is that the motive of the GG is 180o different.
688 - A welcome distraction
Original: Action Girl comics
This actually happened to me, though the party actually was a costume party. Several guys came in varying degrees of bad drag so that no one realized I wasn't a GG till the hostess gave me the prize at the end of the evening. In all fairness, they had made no attempt to look like girls in costume, and it was obvious that "girl" was their costume, where as I had come as the Queen of Hearts from "Alice".
689 - Hooters special!
Original: Artbabe comics
Well, you've all heard of "buy one, get one free" specials, and Vaingirls always tries to beat the competition :-)
690 - Too blasé
Original: Ernie comics
What if you changed your gender and nobody cared? That's the theme for this one, with a little twist.
Fight like a girl!
| Care giver
| A welcome distraction
| Hooters special!
Too blase'
| | | |