Scenes From a Marriage

This is an experimental story. After each scene, your imagination will be needed to fill in the blanks.

1. The Discovery

Janet was worried. Jack was being a jerk, and refusing to even set a date for their marriage; she had already bought her gown and EVERYTHING! God, how she hated it when he patronized her. She felt like crying - she had done a lot of that lately. In an effort to either clear or straighten out her mind, Janet found herself wandering down the side of the stream. With her head bowed in near gloom, she spotted a tangle of branches come to ground on the bank. Something gleamed among them. Awkwardly, as she was no athlete, Janet scrambled down the bank.

It was the Medallion of Zulo! She had read all about it on the Internet! Her imagination took fire, and she grinned a wicked little smile.

2. The Turnabout

Jack screamed shrilly with Janet's voice! Somehow, he was in Janet's silly female body, and Janet was in his powerful macho one! Janet laughed with Jack's booming baritone. "Now shall we set the date for our wedding? Dear?" Janet asked, silkily.

"Anything - just change us back."

"After the ceremony!"

All the pleading and begging that followed failed to move Janet, and Jack wondered if, back when he'd had that face, it ever had such a stubborn and mulish look. He also couldn't believe how much he - now she - was weeping!

"It's not that I don't trust you, dear - it's that I don't trust you," said Janet, smiling.

Janet was smug with the thrill of victory. Now Jack was the helpless, pleading female, and he was the strong powerful man. Janet was now the executive vice president of Carson manufacturing, and now Jack was the lowly secretary.

Janet suggested sex, but here Jack felt herself on stronger grounds. She knew intuitively that Janet would not jeopardize the wedding over not having sex, and also, had earlier refused Jack sex when they'd been in their original bodies. She echoed exactly what Janet had always said when Jack had asked. "We'll have sex only on the wedding night. I want you - your body - to come to the wedding bed a virgin."

Janet was irritated, but in this he had to give way!

3. Preparations

Jack hated being Janet. How her mother fussed, and now the real Janet laughed. The wedding invitations went out for May 3rd - two months. Two whole damn months, trapped as an insignificant girl! She begged to do it sooner or elope, but Janet's family and Janet himself insisted on a large formal wedding, and so it was impossible to do it any sooner.

"Can't we just run away and get married?" begged Jack more than once in a soft, pleading voice. It beat uselessly at that strong, hard face.

"Suck it up, 'Janet'," ordered the former Janet.

Life was so unfair, thought Jack that night, weeping into her pillow. Now she had to live with Janet's folks while the real Janet lived in a great apartment and had a Beemer. Jack had to car pool it, and Mrs. Hogg next to her was expanding faster than the universe and always smelled of garlic sausage.

At work Jack was stunned, as with very little input from her, Janet did well in Jack's former job. It made her cry when she saw Janet with her former friends, and when the president put his arm around Janet and told everyone what a great job Jack was doing!

Her mother was driving her crazy!

4. The Eve of the Wedding

Jack was so relieved; she had gotten Janet to swear they would swap bodies back right after the ceremony!

Jack hated her 'hen' party - Janet's friends gave her sexy underwear, and told her the best ways to please her husband. This really sucked. Janet was out having what should be Jack's bachelor party, given by Steve; what a great time that would be. Jack pleaded with Janet not to get too plastered, but he had only laughed and patted her behind.

5. The Wedding.

Jack was a very nervous as well as beautiful bride! She trembled as she walked down the aisle on Janet's dad's proud arm. The church was full of people witnessing her subjection!

It was humiliating! She had to promise to be a dutiful wife! Her husband was tall and powerful beside her - 6'4" of solid muscle, and she was only 5'2". He slipped the ring on her trembling figure. Then he ruthlessly kissed her; she felt helpless in his arms. She was both frightened and attracted! Janet kissed her, and then whispered in her ear, "Darling, I'm sorry, but at my bachelor party I had sex with a stripper! It was fantastic! I know I promised to switch back right after the ceremony, but I'm sorry, I CAN'T give this up! Not Yet! So you're going to have to remain Janet a little while longer, at least after the honeymoon at Niagara Falls! But I promise you one thing - tonight in our wedding bed, I'm going to make you see stars! Trust me, I am going to really ring your Chimes!"

Jack trembled with fear and outrage. Janet was breaking his solemn promise to switch back. She had married him. Now he's not keeping his promise. Also, he had been unfaithful at his stupid bachelor party! What an asshole.

All the pleading in the world got Jack nowhere.

"Sorry, but I can't give up male sex - it's too fuckin wonderful, such strength, such power, just pleasure! You're just going to have to understand. And that is final!"

God - did Jack ever have wedding night Jitters!

6. Honeymoon

Janet's massive form was all over her fragile body. What virility! He took enormous pleasure in sex, and thrust home again. Jack cried out in pain, as she was a virgin. This wasn't very much fun for her! But what could she do? Janet wouldn't give her body back until after the honeymoon! She laid there, weeping softly.

"I wouldn't have married you if I'd have known you were such a pathetic sissy!"

"You have no empathy. This is the first time for me, and you broke my hymen, you brute!"

Janet had an impatient look on his strong face. "Well, let's give it another try!"

She tried to punch him away, but was too weak. Janet was right, the second time was better, but she didn't get off; however, Janet did. The selfish brute was bellowing like a bull in rut. The next day was more of the same. After two days, Jack was almost too sore to sit down! She had to admit that sex at times was wonderful, if only Janet would be a little more tender. And he was so insulting. He compared her technique unfavorably with the stripper's!

She lost patience and stormed at him. "Would you really want your wife as experienced as some whore?"

Janet looked stunned. "You're right, dear! I was so stupid on this. I apologize. No husband wants a whore for a wife. I'm sure you will improve with practice."

This made Jack feel better for a while, until she thought about it.

"But my darling Jack (Janet insisted on being called Jack, even in bed), you promised me we would swap back after our honeymoon!"

"Did I? I don't remember. I thought I said at LEAST until our honeymoon. Frankly, I am having too much pleasure with sex to give it up. Maybe in a few weeks."

Jack felt like screaming. And she did, which got herself shaken for making a scene.

7. Divorce Proceedings

Jack had had enough. Weeks had led into months, months to almost a year, and still Janet refused to swap them back. She filed for divorce, citing mental and physical cruelty. Janet was shocked. He thought he had been the most understanding of husbands. He even insisted on her staying home and having plenty of free time, rather than work. Besides, he sent her to the best cooking schools in the city, and this was her way of repaying his kindness and understanding?!

Janet's parent's intervened, as well as friends. So they were persuaded to go to a marriage counselor.

Meanwhile, Jack was having second thoughts - if she divorced Janet, what would she do? Officially, she was only a secretary; her standard of living would drop like a rock.

So the marriage counselor was able to work things out. Janet promised to be more thoughtful and considerate and tender during sex. And Jack was brought to understand that her husband was a sex addict and not to judge him too harshly. After all, the female counselor said privately to Jack, her husband was only a man.

By now Jack was reconciled to not ever getting her body back. After another month, it became obvious that Janet was not going to swap back - the brute! She still didn't know if Janet was telling the truth about losing the Medallion out of his briefcase months ago at the airport. Besides, Jack found herself pregnant, and her baby needed a father.

8. Life as a Happy Family

Janet and Jack now live fairly happily with their five children. Jack is a devoted, fiercely protective mother. Janet is now CEO, and is proud that Jack is such an asset as a corporate wife, knowing what to say at dinners and the like. Besides, she has improved amorously in the sack. He is addicted to sex!

Jack knows this, and uses it to get her way in the matter of vacations, mink coats, a new house and a couple of part-time maids. If she gets angry, she denies sex. When he gets angry, he denies money.

And so, life goes on.

(Thanks to SteveZ for his Selfless Editing.)